Anti-Theft Systems or (EAS)
(Electronical Article Surveillance)
We explain you the Anti-theft systems approaches, what can we expect and other beneficial effects of their use.
We control the item,
We DO NOT control the client
The improvement of the Assisted Sale to Self-Service brought innumerable advantages to all players:
- Providers in more equal conditions,
- Most efficient management and productive space for the retailer,
- Contrast and free choice for the consumer, etc.
Translated all in absolutely positive terms. With one exception. The Theft.
It is impossible to control and monitor every client that get in the establishments, it is impossible to differentiate the honest from the one that is not: it is impossible, inefficient and extremely expensive.
The easiest option is to identify the highest risk items and protect them appropriately. In this way, we give freedom and facilities to the consumer, at the same time that we introduce barriers for the occasional, amateur or professional delinquent.
Theft does NOT disappear,
We divert it
Either by a need for self-consumption or by a criminal activity associated with a subsequent resale.
The theft is in itself a "parasitic industry" that in 2016 cost 988 million € to the retailers in Spain.
Source: AECOC, La Pérdida en la Gran Distribución Comercial 2017
There are cases ofInternal Theft
It is uncomfortable to mistrust the staff we rely on, it is difficult to accept and to pronounce out loud, but, in spite of, in 2016 it had an impact of 368 million € on the Spanish distribution.
Empleados directos o colaboradores externos, de cualquier categoría laboral, constituyen una ínfima minoría del personal, pero están detrás de 1 de cada 3 € de hurto. El pez grande esconde al pequeño, sólo que este no es muy pequeño.
Internal employees or external collaborators, of any labor category, constitute a very small minority of the staff, but they are behind 1 of every 3 € of theft. The big fish hides the little one, but this one is not very small.
By reducing external theft, we leave much less capacity to hide internal theft. Checked.